Sunday, 9 February 2014


Draupadi, in her previous birth, was granted a boon by Lord Shiva by virtue of which she ended up having five husbands in her next birth. She asked for several qualities in her husband like Dharma, Power, Warrior traits and beauty which could not be accommodated in a single person or one human body, but Lord Shiva, who is known for never disappointing his true devotees, had to grant her the wish and consequently, had to grant her with five different human bodies as husbands- possessing all those qualities.
Like a man, who is never satisfied with the qualities his wife possesses; he wants to add some, remove some and manipulate some, a woman also wants a husband who carries everything that makes him a perfect match for her. What she desires, are qualities, not bodies! Even if she gets those qualities in different bodies, the purpose gets fulfilled. She has got what she wanted in her husband; whether in one or multiple human forms, is unimportant.
Human body is perishable. Soul is eternal. The seemingly reprehensible concept of multiple partners could be rightly understood if we understand the soul and not its apparel.